Resume Drive
Achievements not mentioned in Resume:
Scholastic Achievements:
- B. Tech: Finished Top 5% of the class (Rank 8 out of 164); Ranked in Top-5 for consecutive four semesters in a batch of 164 students
- JEE Mains: AIR 8219 out of 1.6 million applicants, JEE Advance: AIR 10457 out of 200K applicants
- UPSC NDA-II 2015: AIR 251 out of 650K candidates, cleared SSB Interview in first attempt
Upraised Embark Fellow (Top 1%)
Winner of ‘Solana DAO Tooling Landscape’ bounty sponsored by Mensa Club on Superteam. Awarded $200 USDC.
Social Impact:
Founder, Target NDA (non-profit Defence exam coaching)
Nov’ 2016 - Aug’ 2020
- Mentored 500+ defence service aspirants for NDA/CDS entries with 19 students successful in SSB
- Conducted workshops for 1000+ underprivileged students at Govt. schools across 3 states in India
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